Day Three – Hello DHIS Number Two!

I had the wonderful opportunity to check out my new post this week. I will be working there remotely for the month of September. This will give me time to close out my previous post and an opportunity observe and learn at my new post.

This week I met with my supervisor in the city. We were able to discuss the projects I will be working on for the next couple of months. One of my biggest projects will be to develop, sale, train, and create reports using an open source software called District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) (

My supervisor mentioned that I will be the DHIS2 Guru. I have no idea what that means, but I have started to read up on my new system. It is a very pretty system and can do a lot. On a serious note, I will mention more of its many possibilities in another post.

For now, I have begun assisting my coworker in uploading data into the system. We are going back until 2003. There are 26 major hospitals in Botswana, and this is a lot of data, but we will get through this very large wall. By placing the data into the system, I will improve my ability to manipulate the data into the many reports used by health administrators.

YAY DHIS2 and YAY Day 3 😀


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