The Low Resource Classroom

Listed below are organizations that provide tools and resources for instruction and learning that can be utilized in developing countries. Thank you to all the volunteers that shared these links. A special thank you goes out to Peace Corps Botswana Volunteers for their continuous support and insight. I will try to update this section as new information becomes available. I cannot guarantee that all links work, but I am hoping that they all do upon your arrival to the site:

Studying/Homework Resources:

Solar Lights (Highly Recommended):

Solar Lights:

Solar Lights:


Library Resources: 

Library books:

Library books:


Computer Resources: 

Computers and Monitors:


Fun and Play Resources:

Crocheted and Knitted Bears:

Purchase a Soccer Ball and Get One Donated:


Life Skills and Empowerment Resources: Coming Soon


School Supplies: Coming Soon


HIV Education:

Grassroots Soccer:‎

HIV/AIDS Curriculums, Toolkits, and Videos:

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