Botswana Homemade Bread – A Taste of Botswana Food

Here is a recipe that I use almost every week to make homemade bread. Try it at home, and take photo’s, and lastly comment below and let me know how it went. Diphaphata (Dee-pa-pat-ta) is very popular in Botswana because it tastes great. In this recipe we are baking the bread, but usually the bread is made in a caste iron pan using no oil. Happy cooking 😀-Finda

Diphaphata – Botswana Homemade Bread   
Diphaphata is a great tasting bread that be eaten as hamburger bread to dinner roles. There are many creative ways to use this bread. Additionally, extra ingredients can be added to give Diphaphata a different taste, look, etc.


4 cups of white or brown flour
10g or 1 pack of yeast
1.5 cups of warm water


1.       Add flour, yeast, salt and/or sugar in a mixing bowl.
a.       Note: Add enough salt and sugar to your personal preference
2.       Add warm water to your mixing bowl and mix ingredients into a dough
3.       Continue to add warm water until the dough is soft and without any bumps
4.       Let dough sit for 10 to 15 minutes in order to allow the yeast to raise the dough
5.       Separate dough into 8 to 12 round balls
6.       Pre-heat oven to 250 degrees
7.       Lightly grease your baking pan and place dough balls onto the pan
8.       Bake the dough for 10 to 15 minutes or until the dough is lightly golden brown
9.       Serve with butter, jelly, tea or by itself

4 thoughts on “Botswana Homemade Bread – A Taste of Botswana Food

  1. It’s never too early to think about the Third Goal. Check out Peace Corps Experience: Write & Publish Your Memoir. Oh! If you want a good laugh about what PC service was like in a Spanish-speaking country back in the 1970’s, read South of the Frontera: A Peace Corps Memoir.

  2. sorry this is not diphaphatha. the recipe is correct, however, the cooking method is not. diphaphatha are cooked on a dry, preferably, cast iron skillet over an open flame or hot plate. and most important they are flat. very common at weddings and funerals.

    1. Hi Jennifer,

      Thank you for your post. I agree most Diphaphatha’s are made on a cast iron skillet, open flame, or the lid of an outdoor pot. At my host family’s house we decided to use an oven as this was available to us. Additionally, this recipe was geared toward an American audience who may not have a cast iron skillet or open flame. Diphaphatha’s are very common at weddings and funerals. I also ate them most mornings with tea, or as an afternoon snack with soupu and nama (soup and meat). I think we can both agree it is a popular bread in Botswana.


  3. doesn’t look like diphaphatha to me. diphaphatha are flat, the name is derived from the flatness of them. anyhow, since you said you used an oven i forgive you 😉

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